Lecture 3
Here are my ideas about AR :
Firstly I think AR is here to help us in our daily but I also think it has to be intuitive and look cool in order to be use often. My first Idea would be a kind of augmented mirror. Let me explain that : as the textile industry is one of most polluting one, some companies are trying a new system using pre-orders and then the company produces a number of clothes wich corresponds to the number of pre-orders. The problem with this method is that you can’t know if a clothing item will look good on you or if it is the good size. So I imagined a kind of mirror which would reflect you with a clothing item you would have chosen, here is an illustration of the thing in a short film I made with a friend.
This looks like the system developed by some opticians where you can try glasses online.
My second idea is related to a work I did last year in TSP where I had to design an application that would form plumbers to their work. So I thought about an AR application that would permit to people to visualize what they have to change in their car. In fact, some people don’t know how a car works and so they ruin them since they are not able to take care of them. Moreover, some car can now give diagnosis of what’s wrong, so here we are going further than that.
As you can see here when you put your phone over the engine it tells you what you have to do and where are the components.
My last idea is to replace a device I hate. This device is the smartwatch, I don’t like it since I found this ugly (I prefer I prefer classic needle watches), and especially tiny. In commercials it says that you can respond to messages, use the GPS, pass a phone call and so on… but their only use is to record your heartbeat which is not that useful. Therefore, I imagined an AR application to project bigger content on your arm. There is a demonstration.
I used the wizard of oz process to prototype my idea, in fact there is a subject who has a video content (here the Youtube application) projected in his arm thanks to a projector linked to a computer, then there is also an operator who scrolls and click on the computer by tuning into the subject’s movements.
I made one of my friend try the application, the problem here is that you have to keep your arm in a fixed position and it’s quite hard but he found that pretty good and he told me that if the image quality were better he would definitely love this device.
Moreover, he said that having a display where you can only use one hand is not enjoyable to use.