Guillaume Grandineau presentation
Hi Everyone ! Welcome to my blog, my name is Guillaume Grandineau and I’m a student in 3rd year at Telecom SudParis where I study High Tech Imaging, I’m also a student at Institut Polytechnique de Paris in a Master 2 named “Virtual and Augmented Reality”.
Here you can find some lectures and labs I did in this master, check out the contents, you could learn some interesting things.
As a filmmaking, cinema and photography passionate I also give you here a link to my portfolio : https://drive.
Hugo and Unity Set-Up
Hugo Set-Up Hugo I’ve chosen Hugo to create my blog since it was the proposed tool on our firt lab, I also took Hugo for its simplicity to deploy and configure and I wanted something more technical than a “wordpress” like web editor in order to train myself.
Deployment I deployed my blog thanks to Github since it’s a powerfull and a widely used tool.
What I did ? Then I chose a minimalist template as you can see because I wanted to keep my blog simple.
Lab 1
Roll a ball This game project was easy to follow since we already had labs on Unity before in order to build our proper game. First of all, building the objects that compose the game was the first task and as I said it was a quick task and this is how I did it.
So the scene is composed by a ground and 4 walls (I created an empty game object that parented them), on this board game I added a ball that will be our player and cubes that will be our collectibles.
Lab 2
Roll a ball mobile This second lab is about the same game than the previous one but it’s a different way to play it since we built it for android devices. So the new gameplay is the following one : we no longer control the ball it’s the gyroscope of our phone that controll the board game (wall and ground). This is you your ground need to parent all of our game objects to the ground like this.
Lab 3
Roll a ball VR This new lab is still about the roll a ball game but this time we no longer use our phone to control the game board, this time we will be able to grab it with our hands thanks to VR. It was the most difficult labs of the 3, firstly, we had to import an oculus package to enable VR. Note that I used an oculus quest so I had to build the game like an android game.